The JTCRA exist to ensure there are standards for tower climbers and that tower climbers are competent. The JTCRA ensures that tower climber are trained to the highest level in the industry with the most up-to-date information. The JTCRA also ensure that tower owners and operators have competent persons performing work on their towers.

No. Just fill out the application form on the website and submit for review and application. Once it is approved, you will then be asked to pay the required membership fees. 

The JTCRA will advise you what is needed for your membership to be approved. You can then update your application and resubmit for additional review.

For individuals, the JTCRA provides training at a discount price and also provides discount on tower climbing equipment that you purchase. The JTRCA will provide you access to information on its website and updates on changes in the industry. 
For Corporate membership, the JTCRA will provide access to a full list of competent tower climbers. Corporate membership also gets access to learning materials and information on the JTCRA website. Discount is provided for training packages and on tower climbing equipment.

 Yes. The certification provided is accepted across the Caribbean, Canada, and USA.

Your  membership fees provides you with full access for 12 months. You will need to pay your membership fee at the end of the 12 months to continue being a member of the JTCRA and have access to information on its website. 

Yes, once they are registered members of the JTCRA.

Yes, the JTCRA is registered with the Companies Office of Jamaica.

Yes, the JTCRA has a network of companies locally and overseas that are always in search for competent tower climbers.

Yes, the JTCRA can review other certification and provide an equivalency report.